četvrtak, 15. ožujka 2012.

Searching for...

Već neko vrijeme u glavi imam jedan DIY projekt. Naime, htjela bih osvježiti svoje starkice i napraviti ovo:

Ali nigdje ne mogu pronaći tako različite zakovice. Svugdje pronalazim samo one "piramidaste".
Jeste možda naišli na to što tražim?

Kako se vama sviđaju ovako uređene starke i nosite li ih uopće?


ponedjeljak, 5. ožujka 2012.

Birthday gift!


I don't know about you guys but I really love mondays! Especially when I see sun outthere :) And today is sunny monday yeeei!!

I got this lovely earrings for my birthday. They are handmade and I love them!! I combine them with my new white blouse, black skinny and heels. They were in first plan :)

I know that everybody hates mobile pics but I forgot to take pics before I went out so when I came home I didin't have will for searching my camera. Sorry :)

Hope you like them!
